
Monday, December 5, 2011

Holidays coming up

Do you know what your going to be up to this coming long holiday.
Well let me tell you what my family and I is going to be up to.
On Thursday the 15th we will be heading down in a plane to Tinga to visit our grandparent that we haven't seen since December last year. To me thats a really long time.

Once we get there we only have one week to spend there before were going to jump onto a ship named the Pulupaki and head over to the Island named Tungua where both my grandpa and grandma lives.

ONe of my faviroute things that i like doing there is swimming. Down at there place there is no swimming pool. We only go for a swim down at the beach.

Sometimes when my uncle is not Busy he´d take us all to go and watch people play different kind of sports like netball and basketball.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

At Camp Bentzon I would give a 10 out of 10 if there was a score board.
There we could do a lot of fun thing. Some of them are even funner than things we could do back here at Auckland.
We could go kayaking but this kayaking we could go even farer than we did for our last camp.
We did ab sailing too. That was one of my favorite activity that we up in the woods.
So if your a year 5 turning into a year six next year, you should make shour that you don´t miss out on the fun that we just finish having.